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8-Round Tabata with Weights

Love it or hate it - Tabata gets the job done! This 36 minute workout packs a punch. Each round is 4 minutes long, alternating between two exercises, one strength focused, one cardio focused. You work for 20 seconds, and rest for 10 seconds.

Pick some of your favorite songs from Spotify with the Tabata timer already built in. One song per round.

Round 1:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - Squat Press

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - High knees

Round 2:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - Renegade/Plank Row

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Walking Push-ups

Round 3:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - Lateral lunge to curtsey lunge with bicep curl

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Jacobs ladder shuffle (out out // in in)

Round 4:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - 3 Standing Bent Over Flies + 1 Upright Row

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Beast burpee

Round 5:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - Deadbug with dumbbells

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Jumping Jacks

Round 6:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - Alternating Single Leg Deadlift

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Jump squats

Round 7:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - 1 Fly + 1 Tricep Press (laying down)

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Athletic run

Round 8:

Exercise 1 [Strength] - Sumo squat + bicep curl + overhead press

Exercise 2 [Cardio] - Jumping Jack + tuck jump combo

Pre-Sweat Pic


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I'm Kristen, a first-time Mom of identical twin girls who are 3. I work full-time, teach group fitness classes, and am on the wild ride of motherhood.

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